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Our company is a high new technical company, and we focus on research and development of UPS/lead acid battery, deep cycle battery and Gel storage battery.

Storage Battery is used mainly in UPS electric power; telecommunication; solar or wind power system; aerospace and navigation; bank and medical system; rail transit; military area and so on.

To see more specification,click on the model or pic.


SR50-2 pic 2 50 160 49 166 176 2.9 T12
SR100-2 pic 2 100 171 71 207 231 5.9 T11
SR150-2 pic 2 150 172 102 207 231 8 T11
SR200-2 pic 2 200 172 111 329 356 13.5 T20
SR1.2-6 pic 6 1.2 97 24 53 58 .3 T0
SR4-6 pic 6 4 70 48 101 106 .69 T1
SR4.5-6 pic 6 4.5 70 48 101 106 .72 T1
SR5-6 pic 6 5 70 48 101 106 .85 T1
SR7-6 pic 6 7 151 34 94 100 1.1 T1
SR12-6 pic 6 12 151 50 94 100 1.81 T1
SR180-6 pic 6 180 260 180 246 250 29 T19
SR200-6 pic 6 200 322 178 227 230 30.5 T10
SR225-6 pic 6 225 243 188 276 276 34.5 T19
SR1.2-12 pic 12 1.2 98 45 52 59 .55 T0
SR2.3-12 pic 12 2.3 178 34 60 66 .9 T0
SR2.6-12 pic 12 2.6 70 47 98 103 .74 F1
SR2.9-12 pic 12 2.9 79 56 99 104 1.05 F1
SR4-12 pic 12 4 90 70 101 106 1.33 T1
SR4.5-12 pic 12 4.5 90 70 101 106 1.47 T1
SR5-12 pic 12 5 151 51 94 100 1.7 T1
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Guangzhou XunTian Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
Add:Room 2106 Block B,Huabiao Square ,No.609,Tianhe North Road,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China
The record / license number is: ICP 17100041, Guangdong
@19999-2012 Guangzhou Xun Tian Technology Company    Play  Stop